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Creating and saving customer's screens


The Program Architecture has a possibility of simultaneous loading of several pages (screens), all of them give information in the real-time mode. Customer can add a new screen in 2 ways:

1. Main menu => Screen => Add new




2. By clicking right mouse button on the screen tab and selecting "Add new" in the shortcut menu.

All of these screen tabs are located at at the bottom of the DealingDesk program.




New screen tab (label) will appear after that. Customer will get new screen after switching it, where he can create new frame structure or load customer's (previously saved) screen from a screen file on the hard disk.


After user has created screen structure and filled frames with information he can save screen to file on the hard disk and load this file when it is needed. There are two ways to save new screen as a file:

1. Main menu => Screen => Save as... (Save)


2. Click right mouse button to the screen tab and select  "Save as... (Save)" in the shortcut menu.